Space Shades Demo. This demonstration will introduce you to Space Shades by playing a short game. Press <Del> to cancel the demo and take control of your cruiser.
First a summary of the screen: The large area in the upper left is your windowinto 3D space.
In the lower left is your ship status area. "Energy" shows your total energy. "Shield" indicates the current shield level.
Jump indicates how far the ship will move in one turn. Cost shows how much energy it will take to move at that speed. The Velocity can range between 1 and 9.
The next area on the left is the weapons statusarea. The Laser setting can range between 1 and9. Damage shows the harm that will be done to your target if its shield is down when hit.
The energy used to fire the laser is shown nextto Cost. Your charge must be greater or equal to your laser setting before firing. You can carry up to 9 torpedoes.
During this demo, commands will be entered automatically. Normally you would type them in.Start by moving forward with the "M" command.
You have just flown by your station and are nownear a planet and a star. The local scan command "S" (or F3) will identify objects within 150 units.
The planet Solar1 is your planet as shown by the 'F' side identifier above in the directory.Stars are identified with an 'S'. Enemy objectsappear with a 'K' and neutral with 'N'.
Look around to see if there is anything near that you have not scanned. 'U45' means rotate up 45 degrees. U180 will turn you around. You can also use the cursor keys to turn the ship.
Since there is nothing in the area you have notscanned, move foreward to explore. 'M' or the <Home> key move you foreward.
There's something ahead. Lock onto it and use "TS" for a long range scan. Information about the object you are locked onto appears in the small upper right box.
Good, a neutral planet. You will want to capture the planet with 'C' to expand your territory and get a 'Prize'. Planets are defended with small ships called Hornets.
After you destroy the Hornets use 'C' again to capture the planet. Now you can get energy fromthe planet and it will appear in your directorywhen you enter 'DF'.
A hornet bomb will come in handy later. It blows up all hornets in the area. There are also prizes other than hornet bombs. You will find one in each system.
Flying around in space is fun, but it takes energy to move and now you need to refuel. Use DF to bring up a list of Federation objects. GT1 will move you to the first object listed.
You made it back to the station. You can get torpedoes and energy from a station. Next, you will use the remote to explore. Activate it with "CR".
You are now looking at your cruiser and your station from the remote. Increase your velocityand move at full speed. The remote requires no energy to move.
You've found Kartezion1, Tin Head's home system. Since you scanned one of his planets, he might return to attack.
There's the enemy ship! Your remote cannot fireweapons, but if you stay with him, he might lead you to his station. Since you are within laser range, he'll probably destroy you.
Tin Head fired at your remote. The remote is doomed because it has no defense. Remotes are expendable however, you have an unlimited supply of them.
Use the navigation computer to find Kartezion1 again with the DK and GT1 commands. Because your remote scanned the planet, its location is stored in the computer.
Try to steal the Kartezion planet.
Your shield is down, and Tin Head along with the Kartezion Hornets are attacking you. Try togo back to your station with DF and GT1.
You just got hit by another torpedo and laser. You will not survive. Next time keep your shield up or use the Hornet bomb. That's the end of the demo. Good Luck on your own.